My guy and I just got back from a long-weekend (much-needed might I add) trip to Chicago, IL. If you've never been there, I highly suggest it. And if you have been there, I suggest going back! It was a great little get-away trip that didn't involve a whole lot of money or planning. Those kinds of trips are sometimes needed and are a great way to get away for a bit.
If you would've seen my bags, however, you would think I was taking a month-long trip to Spain (or possibly moving there). I had so many bags with me for all kinds of situations with whether and events that we might have ran into! While we were packing before we left, however, I asked him what he wanted to put all of his clothes in. By this, I was meaning a small suitcase or duffel bag. He told me he has a backpack. A BACKPACK!? This would never be enough room to put his toiletries and a weekend's worth of clothes. Especially since he wanted to bring an extra pair of shoes. So his stuff got put in my suitcase.
I decided right then and there that the next gift he would be receiving from me would be a weekender travel bag. He can get use out of it and it is the perfect size for trips much like the one we just took. Maybe when he opens it, we will decide to go on another short trip!
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